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2018-08-22   作者:  来源:海航宝贝    点击量:    打印本页 关闭



  A year ago, a fashion trend that started in China awed the world during Paris Fashion Week.This was “Rosy Clouds,” the fifth generation uniform of Hainan Airlines. The appearance of Hainan Airlines at fashion week signifies its growth as an iconic global brand. The company’s cooperation with Laurence Xu began with the first launch of the airline uniform at a fashion week in the aviation industry. Looking back, all previous uniforms of Hainan Airlines assisted the progression towards a 5-star world class airline and contributed to the company’s branding at different phrases of its development.


  籍贯 :山西大同

  入职时间 :2011 年 5 月

  职位 :海南航空北京乘务队客舱经理


  Qi Man

  Hometown: Datong, Shanxi

  Joined in: May 2011

  Position: Cabin Manager of Hainan Airlines

  Beijing Cabin Crew Team

  Part-time advisor to the Training and

  Development Centre





  The green dress suit, Hainan Airlines first generation uniform, consists of a fitting, classical green blazer with a pleated skirt,

  showcasing the fresh and energetic image of

  the cabin crew members.

  25 年前,海南航空乘着改革开放的时代东风成立,与此同时,海南航空推出第一代乘务员制服——绿色套裙装。绿色修身西装搭配百褶裙,清新的薄荷绿、充满活力的百褶裙,都是当时最经典、时尚的行头,突出了乘务员的清新活泼的形象,是海南航空一道独具魅力的靓丽风景线。


  25 years ago, Hainan Airlines was established following China’s policy of Reform and Opening-up. At that time, the company launched the green dress suit, its first generation uniform, which consisted of a fitting, classical green blazer with a pleated skirt, showcasing the fresh and energetic image of the cabin crewmembers. With those uniforms on, they were a pleasing sight to their passengers.

  Even though I did not experience the establishment of the company, the green uniform seems trendy and young even today. The uniform is one of the most important aesthetic displays of an airline, and I believe passengers back in those days were able to feel the vibrant energy of Hainan Airlines.


  籍贯 :内蒙古呼伦贝尔

  入职时间 :2018 年 2 月

  职位 :海南航空实习乘务员

  Jiao Bo

  Hometown: Hulunbuir, Inner Mongolia

  Joined in: February 2018

  Position: Hainan Airlines cabin crew member (internship)



  The Li minority’s straight skirt not only highlights elements of traditional Chinese culture,but also carries the elegance and oriental beauty of the flight attendants.

  时间来到了 1995 年,海南航空在乘务员制服中加入了海南的少数民族特色,全新设计的简裙非常突出。简裙是黎族妇女非常喜欢的一种民族服装,裙桶裙角一样宽窄,无折无缝,形似布筒,因此得名。夏装简裙服饰具备浓郁的“民族风”,下身的简裙统一使用蓝色印花图案,上装分别使用了黎族筒裙中常见的蓝、白底色,用白色代表白云,蓝色代表蓝天、大海,与万米高空的云端形成强烈的呼应,带给旅客舒适的视觉享受。


  Back in 1995, Hainan Airlines added traditional fashion elements from China’s minority groups onto the cabin crew uniform and the new straight skirt appeared pleasantly outstanding. The straight skirt is a traditional costume favored by women of the Li minority. It gained its name from its resemblance to a bolt of cloth because its cut and hemlines are similarly wide. The summer edition of the straight skirt has rich traditional minority elements in the blue prints on the skirt and the top is blue and white, colors which are commonly found on the Li minority’s straight skirt. The white resemblances clouds, while blue signifies the ocean and the sky, perfect harmony with the sky and clouds that passengers see outside the cabin windows.

  The Li minority’s straight skirt not only highlights elements of traditional Chinese culture, but also carries the elegance and oriental beauty of the flight attendants. The winter uniform gives a chic and classy touch, with a navy blue, short blazer complemented by an ankle length skirt.With buttons as accessories, the uniforms echo a British style, portraying the confidence and boldness that Hainan Airlines staff have.


  籍贯 :山东东营

  入职时间 :2016 年 4 月

  职位 :海南航空乘务员

  Zhang Xizi

  Hometown: Dongying, Shandong

  Joined in: April 2016

  Position: Hainan Airlines cabin crew member


  The summer uniform, was mainly blue in color,with two rows of yellow peony flowers printed around the buttons.

  2000 年海南航空推出第三代制服,包括两套冬装、一套夏装和两条旗袍在内的五套制服,这也是海南航空历史上使用时间最久的一代制服。鲜艳的旗袍体现了东方女性的柔美与温婉,更是海航不断壮大,迅速成长的喜庆见证。其中民族服夏装受到了广泛好评,这套制服以纯蓝为底色,胸前两列花团锦簇的黄色牡丹花,明艳活泼,穿在乘务员的身上,远看乘务员们仿佛脖子上挂了漂亮的花环,热情地迎接每一位旅客。

  去年海南航空成都 = 纽约航线开通,作为首飞机组成员,为配合当天的庆祝活动,我有幸穿上了这套服装。我非常喜欢这套服装,它具有浓厚的海南当地少数民族的特色,颜色的搭配十分温暖,胸前两列盛放的牡丹就像我们的笑容一般,亲切热情。

  Hainan Airlines launched its third generation uniform back in 2000. This uniform consisted of two winter outfits, one summer look and two cheongsams. All five uniforms became designs that were worn the longest in the airlines’ history. Not only did the colorful cheongsam highlight the gentleness and mild nature of an oriental woman, it also resembled the development of the company. The summer uniform, with elements from Chinese minority clothing, was also well received. It was mainly blue in color, with two rows of yellow peony flowers printed around the buttons, creating a vibrant look for the cabin crew. When viewed from afar, the cabin crew seemed as though they were wearing floral wreaths around their necks, showing summer warmth towards every passenger.

  Hainan Airlines launched Chengdu-New York route last year. As the cabin crew member of the maiden flight, I weared this clothes for the new route celebration. It is one that I am very fond of due to its warm color combination and peony flower prints,which are like warm smiles and services we provide for our passengers.


  籍贯 :四川

  入职时间 :2017 年 4 月

  职位 :海南航空乘务员

  Jiang Xinle

  Hometown: Sichuan

  Joined in: April 2017

  Position: Hainan Airlines cabin crew member


  Both the colors of “internationalized grey” and “classy purple” highlight our professionalism andboost our confidence to serve our passengers better.

  海南航空第四代两套制服从 2010 年起走过了八年光阴,这两套制服的设计灵感来源于海南航空的“大鹏金翅鸟”标识元素。纽扣、领带、方巾、帽徽、胸徽都使用了“大鹏金翅鸟”标识元素,使服装更具完美的标识性与统一性。源于东方传说的大鹏金翅鸟璀璨夺目,头顶日月宝珠,凭借巨大的双翼展翅高飞,象征着海南航空为中华民族奋勇高飞。衣着线条简洁、流畅、优雅,立体式的西式剪裁使服装更加笔挺、提气,中式曲线与西式服装的线条相结合,简洁大方、中西合璧,体现了海南航空“内修中华传统文化精神,外融西方先进科学技术”的企业文化。


  The fourth generation uniform of Hainan Airlines marked its beginning in 2010 and has been worn for eight years. The two uniforms were based on the company’s logo of “the golden bird,” an element that appeared on all buttons, ties, scarves, ornaments and brooches. The golden bird that appeared in Eastern legends carries a precious pearl on its head and soars high in the sky with its immensely huge wings, signifying how Hainan Airlines carries Chinese pride and the dream to leap to greater heights. The blazer has a simple cut and anelegant appearance, while the curves appear uniquely oriental. This uniform embodies both western and oriental elements to showcase the company’s culture of “adapting advanced Western scientific technology on the basis of practicing Chinese traditional values.”

  Meanwhile, the winter edition uses a purple color which signifies happiness, success, luck, loyalty and prosperity, carrying the anticipation we have for all great things in life. The summer uniform is grey in color, which signifies peace, hope, modesty, elegance and humbleness. The cabin crew members complement their uniforms with earth colored eye shadow and red lipstick. The fourth generation uniform accompanied Hainan Airlines’ advancement towards the international market and its journey of claiming various honors. I have been wearing this uniform ever since I joined the company, where both the colors of “internationalized grey” and “classy purple” highlight our professionalism and boost our confidence to serve our passengers better.


  籍贯 :吉林省吉林市

  入职时间 :2014 年 1 月

  职位 :海南航空乘务长

  Liu Yang

  Hometown: Jilin City, Jilin

  Joined in: January 2014

  Position: Hainan Airlines chief purser


  The new uniform has received many compliments from passengers since we changed into them. We can’t help but feel a greater sense of pride and confidence during our work.

  2018 年 6 月 6 日,我们乘务员已经全面换上了第五代制服“海天祥云”,意味着海南航空的品牌形象再一次升级。这一代制服由国际知名时装设计师劳伦斯·许一手打造,以中国国服旗袍形状做底,领口为祥云漫天,下摆为江涯海水,以“彩云满天”为基,寓意海航大鹏鸟翱翔于云海之间,构成独具海南航空特色的东方之美;整体色彩以灰色为基底,搭配黄色海浪和红色蝠燕,凸显了恢弘大气的宫廷设计观感,也暗喻了辉煌的皇家气质,传递着东方的神圣魅力 ;旗袍袖口采用七分袖,简洁大方的视觉更增加了空乘干练感。围裙的设计如同一个连衣裙,裙型为郁金香型,兼具了美观和实用功能。精致的西式立体剪裁,既紧跟时尚潮流,彰显国际化品质和品味,又营造出精确和专业化的观感。

  同时,我们的妆容也进一步升级,采用清透裸妆,更显自然干净 ;豆沙色口红与制服相得益彰,更为低调、大气 ;微珠光大地色暖调眼影与蓝灰色旗袍制服和暖色客舱内饰统一协调,发簪的使用更加凸显婉约的东方美,整个造型突出了女性的温婉和空中乘务员的亲切感。换装后,我在飞行中经常听到旅客对新制服的赞美,这让我们在工作中更加自信,充满自豪感。

  On June 6, 2018, our cabin crew started wearing“Rosy Clouds”, the fifth generation uniform of thecompany. This is another upgrade to the company’s brand image. These uniforms were designed by Laurence Xu, an internationally renowned designer. With China’s traditional cheongsam as the base, the collar signifies clouds and the lower sleeves the oceans and rivers. Also, there are elements of “colorful clouds,” signifying the flight of the golden bird above the clouds. These elements come together to showcase an oriental charm that is unique to the company. The uniform is primarily grey and is complemented with patterns of yellow waves and red mobula, to highlight a sense of magnificent palace design, signifying the royal grandeur. The sleeves are three-quarter in length, visually simple and yet elegant. The apron design appears like a dress due to its tulip-shaped cut, embodying practicality and aesthetic appeal. Not only are these uniforms trendy, but they are also an embodiment of international class and professionalism.

  We also upgraded our makeup towards nude and natural looking makeup. The red bean lip color matches the uniform well, as it is classy and yet toned-down. Also, the pearly earth colored eye shadow goes well with the blue uniform and the cabin’s earthy tone interior. The entire look highlights the flight attendants’ gentleness and friendliness, and the uniform has received many compliments from passengers since we changed into them. We can’t help but feel a greater sense of pride and confidence during our work.


  籍贯 :湖南长沙

  入职时间 :2017 年 10 月

  职位 :海南航空乘务员

  Yang Lechao

  Hometown: Changsha, Hunan

  Joined in: October 2017

  Position: Hainan Airlines cabin crew member



  The cooperation between Hainan Airlines and

  Laurence Xu is a cross industry partnership which involves tourism and fashion.


  The cooperation between Hainan Airlines and Laurence Xu is a cross industry partnership which involves tourism and fashion. The fifth generation uniform follows the standardized colors of the fourth generation version, where the flight attendants’ summer uniforms consist of white short sleeves, with a grey vest and pants, embodying qualities of capability and simplicity. The winter uniform has grey collar that goes well with the grey pants. The collar with the cut of a suit is made with premier material to portray the wisdom of gentlemen. As the passengers enjoy exquisite cabin service, they also enjoy Hainan Airlines’ “fashion in the clouds.”




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